Dizajn už nie je cenovo dostupný len pre boháčov. Existujú totiž umelci, ktorí sa snažia, aby bol dostupný všetkým. Chápu ho ako demokratické umenie, čo znamená, že sa dotýka všetkých, bez ohľadu na spoločenské postavenie a kultúrne hodnoty. Súčasný svet sa rozvíja neuveriteľnou rýchlosťou a keďže si človek málokedy všíma jeho krásu, dizajn je v našich životoch na to, aby zlepšil náš život po estetickej, zmyslovej či emocionálnej stránke. Ak sa chcete dozvedieť o dizajne viac, v kníhkupectvách dostanete tie pravé knihy.
Home computers are now so powerful and versatile that they are involved in almost every aspect of the creative arts. Music, photography, video and art can all now be created digitally and altered on a home computer. We all have a lifetime of memories from before the digital age. Put old Photographs up ...
The magazine industry is a perpetual innovator when it comes to graphics and design. With a sell-by date for each issue and extreme competition for the consumer dollar, magazines are consistently upping the ante and challenging designers to create more interesting packages with eye-catching design elements ...
This book – the first book to encompass the full spectrum of graphic design in the Netherlands from the end of the 19th century until today – is a richly illustrated overview with more than 500 colour illustrations. It will delight and inspire graphic designers, students, artists, and historians of art ...
A companion volume to the popular Big Book of Design Ideas shares a wealth of examples that can be adapted for a wide variety of needs, from promotional materials and exhibits to products and posters, in an illustrated guide formatted to help designers to build on original ideas.
Perhaps the ultimate icon of this generation, the ‘T-shirt’ originated from tea and shirts. The history claims that seventeenth-century workers downloading tea boxes from boats in the harbor of Annapolis in the US wore a kind of short sleeve shirt that was eventually named the T-shirt in reference to ...
The Best of Business Card Design series features an innovative collection of the most current and best work by top designers worldwide. The "go-to" sourcebook for business card design inspiration, this volume contains no text—other than design credits—which provides for pages packed with business cards, ...
Companies support the game with millions on advertising campaings using the very starts of the sport, but there is another side to traditional football advertising. Enthusiasm and celebration of the sport are visually and unofficially expressed at street level in cities the world over and, like music, ...
One Show Design Volume 1 features all of the winners from the 2007 One Show Design competition. With categories including brand and corporate identity, package, environmental and broadcast design from iconic brands like Apple and Adidas, this first-ever annual features the best in design from all over ...
Songwriters and musicians convey complex emotions through their music, and graphic designers and artists are then faced with the challenge to create complimentary graphics to go with them. The vibe of the content, record and CD covers, tour posters, stickers and fan club accessories can transcend mere ...
The best-selling, international review of the year\''s most innovative works in visual communication, this annual features, in full colour, the winners of the toughest competition in the field—the Art Directors Club Annual Awards. The book presents, with exceptional clarity and detail, the work of gold ...
Containing more than 500 new logos and letterheads, this is the latest edition of the annual.
Laurence King; ISBN: 9781856694094; Badges, buttons and pins have been around for over a century. Today they/''/re everywhere: on lapels and bags all over the world and in the...
A guide to the many and varied terms used within the realms of art and design. It dispels myths surrounding some of the terms. It is suitable for those studying or simply just interested in art and design.
This brand new title in the definitive Car Design Yearbook series features all the new cars launched worldwide from April 2007 to March 2008. Also included are profiles of the industry\''s leading designers, a full technical glossary and a list of all the motor shows in the year ahead. For the seventh ...
This book highlights new ways of thinking about sustainable design. It is a collection of outstanding and innovative product, graphic, fashion, and environmental designs. The thoughts of the world’s leading designers—Ezio Manzini (Italy), Ed Van Hinte (the Netherlands), Droog members Richard Hutten (the ...
Scandinavian illustrator Kustaa Saksi creates retro-futuristic kaleidoscopic landscapes fusing organic shapes with vivacious imagery and vivid colours into radiating new world psychedelia. Offpiste is the first book to bring his dynamic work in one place for the first time and presents Saksi’s artistic ...
"Ornamentation is a modus operandi for communication, for providing dimension, texture, pattern, depth, and spirit—it is a way to liven up space, to create complementary conditions, to move the eye and break up surfaces, to bring illusion or entropy, to embellish and give richness to surfaces and materials ...
Interactive advertising and new media have come a long way from simple pop-up ads and banners. Among the winners in this year’s 2005 One Show Interactive Awards, you’ll find work that inspires, entertains, and continually pushes the boundary between the real and virtual realms. One Show Interactive, ...
A meticulously selected collection of home interiors, focused on the materials and spatial configurations implemented to enhance illuminance and well-being in the private environment. Fully illustrated with color photographs and explained by exhaustive technical documentation, ground plans and sketches, ...
This book is packed with fill-in inspirational grids and patterns, providing all the tools needed to create a riot of geometric and free-flowing designs, from a robot workshop to a city of 3-D skyscrapers. There are grids with spirals, grids with spots, cross-hatches, triangles, letter-shapes, blobs ...