Dizajn už nie je cenovo dostupný len pre boháčov. Existujú totiž umelci, ktorí sa snažia, aby bol dostupný všetkým. Chápu ho ako demokratické umenie, čo znamená, že sa dotýka všetkých, bez ohľadu na spoločenské postavenie a kultúrne hodnoty. Súčasný svet sa rozvíja neuveriteľnou rýchlosťou a keďže si človek málokedy všíma jeho krásu, dizajn je v našich životoch na to, aby zlepšil náš život po estetickej, zmyslovej či emocionálnej stránke. Ak sa chcete dozvedieť o dizajne viac, v kníhkupectvách dostanete tie pravé knihy.
There are thousands of ways to change the decor of your apartment and breathe new life into your home, so it is not surprising that furniture, wall colour and decorative details become an extension of our lifestyle. Amongst the pages of this book, you will find examples of contemporary designs that stylishly ...
Publikace má za cíl povzbudit přemýšlení o problémech teorie i praxe navrhování užitkových předmětů a budov, na které zároveň klademe výtvarné nároky. Jednotlivé kapitoly se kriticky vyrovnávají s myšlenkami zděděnými po modernistické funkcionalistické filozofii, která uvažování o designu a architektuře ...
Štěpán Pácl, jeden z nejpozoruhodnějších českých režisérů mladší generace, se s čtenáři dělí o zkušenosti z vlastní práce. Svým způsobem je tedy tato kniha ojedinělá, neboť nás nechává nahlédnout "do zákulisí" divadelní praxe. V jednotlivých kapitolách, věnovaných vybraným inscenacím v různých českých ...
Many of the web’s most eye-popping sites are created using Flash, a program which allows for total creative freedom and maximum interactivity. In its early years, Flash was used mostly for artistic and design sites, but more recently large corporations—even Citibank—have turned to Flash. This guide rounds ...
The follow-up to our popular title Web Design: Studios, this new installments brings you more examples of the web\''s most outstanding design work. Working online means working from every place you can imagine. The coolest design studios from over 28 countries are profiled herein, complete with examples ...
House design is evolving fast following trends and the needs of our society. There is always a myriad of design schemes to meet diverse requirements; in other words, there is never a single solution to make the most of a living space. In the collection Essential Tips each book offers over 200 tips on ...
Part of the TED series: Judge This! First impressions are everything. They dictate whether something stands out, how we engage with it, whether we buy it, and how strongly we feel. This is especially true when it comes to design. And design is all around us, secretly shaping our world in ways we rarely ...
Jedinečná publikácia prináša prehľad módnych smerov a štýlov mladých ľudí za uplynulých sto rokov. V knihe sa dozviete, aké oblečenie je typické pre subkultúry, či už pre teddy boys, hippies alebo punk, a aké sú ich korene. Sleduje vývoj od emancipovaných tanečníc charlestonu cez swingujúcu mládež, mods, ...
Druh sortimentu : Kniha, Cradle to Cradle,, Rok vydania : 2019,.
One of the last surviving members of the futurist generation, Bruno Munari''s Design as Art is an illustrated journey into the artistic possibilities of modern design translated by Patrick Creagh published as part of the ''Penguin on Design'' series in Penguin Modern Classics. ''The designer of today ...
Radical and inspiring. Yanagi''s vision puts the connection between heart and hand before the transient and commercial" - Edmund de Waal The daily lives of ordinary people are replete with objects, common things used in commonplace settings. These objects are our constant companions in life. As such, ...
Celosvetovo úspešná turecká autorka Elif Shafak vo svojich knihách spája tradície Východu a Západu, búra vžité náboženské stereotypy a vytvára priestor pre všetky otvorené mysle. Jej knihy vyšli vo viac ako 40 svetových jazykoch a štýl jej písania vážne konkuruje slávnemu Paulovi Coelhovi. Štyridsaťročná ...
Sir Norman Hartnell (1901-1979) dominated London couture during the inter-war years, gaining international fame as dressmaker to the British royal family, designing Princess Elizabeth's wedding gown in 1947, and her magnificent Coronation dress six years later. Best known for romantic eveningwear shimmering ...
This book contains practical ideas that make the most of every room in your apartment or house.
Kniha - autor Petr Nový, 228 strán, česky, brožovaná bez lesklého krytu Jablonecká bižutéria je svetoznámy pojem rovnako ako české sklo alebo pivo. V období prvej republiky, kedy jej obchodné podiel na globálnom trhu predstavoval ohromujúci jednu polovicu, zažila behom dvoch desiatok rokov svojej najlepšie ...
As a Professor of Behavioural Science at the London School of Economics, Dolan conducts original research into the measurement of happiness and its causes and consequences, including the effects of our behaviour. Here he creates a new outlook on the pursuit of happiness - it\''s not just how you feel, ...
This visual idea is just as inspiring for interior designers and architects as it is for private designers.
Already an online phenomenon, East Meets West is the first volume in designer Yang Liu's successful infographic series. Conceived and designed with perceptive wit and her signature graphic simplicity, Yang Liu's pictograms convey the obvious and sometimes not so obvious discrepancies in life on opposite ...
Ideally (though not exclusively) suited for stylists, editors, fashion designers, illustrators and anyone working within the creative industries, or studying these disciplines, or simply interested in drawing beautiful clothes. Artists have always relied on their sketchbooks. But art has changed: new ...