Dizajn už nie je cenovo dostupný len pre boháčov. Existujú totiž umelci, ktorí sa snažia, aby bol dostupný všetkým. Chápu ho ako demokratické umenie, čo znamená, že sa dotýka všetkých, bez ohľadu na spoločenské postavenie a kultúrne hodnoty. Súčasný svet sa rozvíja neuveriteľnou rýchlosťou a keďže si človek málokedy všíma jeho krásu, dizajn je v našich životoch na to, aby zlepšil náš život po estetickej, zmyslovej či emocionálnej stránke. Ak sa chcete dozvedieť o dizajne viac, v kníhkupectvách dostanete tie pravé knihy.
Die Gestalten Verlag: One fateful rainy day, a bored kid asks his grandfather what in the world is graphic design? Starting...
Fashion-driven, stylish and hip, Studs & Pearls features 30 customizable projects for you to make - and to make your own. Covering clothing, accessories, jewellery and shoes, each tutorial includes step-by-step instructions and detailed photographs. Inspiration shots show variations of each project, ...
This book highlights new ways of thinking about sustainable design. It is a collection of outstanding and innovative product, graphic, fashion, and environmental designs. The thoughts of the world’s leading designers—Ezio Manzini (Italy), Ed Van Hinte (the Netherlands), Droog members Richard Hutten (the ...
This book takes all the logos that were in the bestseller, LogoLounge 3 and collects them in one small, neat, pictorial handbook for easy reference. Judges in this edition include Emanuela Frigerio, Connie Birdsall, Graham Purnell, Miles Newlyn, Thomas Vasquez, Robert Matza, Kit Paul, and Sharon Werner. ...
Táto kniha je zdroj informácií a inšpirácie, ktoré by mal každý grafik mať po ruke na svojom pracovisku - je rozčlenená do troch zrozumiteľných dielov: Základné grafické techniky, Grafické prvky a Riešenie projektov. Časť Grafické prvky sa ďalej delí na štyri skupiny nazvané Obľúbené obrázky, Koncepcie ...
Kniha - autor Jana Hradecká, 232 strán, česky, brožovaná bez krytu matraca Záleží vám na tom v akom prostredí žijete a pracujete? Máte chuť čas od času vylepšiť svoj domov a nie ste si istí, ako na to? Nechajte sa previesť zákulisím interiérového dizajnu. Témy v tejto knihe sú radené tak, aby na seba ...
A smart, important book about the elements of art composition and the way shapes, colors, position in the frame, and space between elements affects the way view…
Cena:24.03€ | Autor:Hyndman, Sarah | Rok vydania:2016 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:na sklade | ISBN:9780753557235 | Vydavateľ:Virgin Books
Cena:21.21€ | Autor:Mota, Bethany | Rok vydania:2017 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9781780896502 | Vydavateľ:Century
Knihu Tisk a dokončovací práce (Gavin Ambrose; Paul Harris) si môžete pohodlne objednať na iPark.sk Nakupujte v spoľahlivom internetovom kníhkupectve iPark.sk.
This book presents an unrivalled showcase of graphic design trends and initiatives from Latin America. "Graphic Design Worldwide" is an exciting new series that showcases a wide cross-section of the freshest, most innovative, and often surprising new graphic design trends and ideas from around the world. ...
This is a highly original and indispensible source of inspiration for graphic designers and illustrators everywhere. One of the biggest challenges facing all graphic designers, illustrators, and artists is being able to work in just one colour - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, or Black, the colours used in the ...
"Think CMYK" is a mini-series of four titles dedicated to working with only one colour of the CMYK-range, plus black. It demonstrates how creativity can be stimulated by such limitations. "Think Yellow”, or "THNK YLLW”, presents designs using only this one colour, plus black.
"Think CMYK" is a mini-series of four titles dedicated to working with only one colour of the CMYK-range, plus black. It demonstrates how creativity can be stimulated by such limitations. "Think Black”, or "THNK BLCK”, presents designs using only this one colour.
Kniha: Art Deco - Decorative designs: (EAN:9782809903034) máte možnosť kúpiť na Literama.sk. .
This is a highly original and indispensible source of inspiration for graphic designers and illustrators everywhere. One of the biggest challenges facing all graphic designers, illustrators, and artists is being able to work in just one colour - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, or Black, the colours used in the ...
The Caravan Gallery is a mobile exhibition venue and visual arts project run by artists Jan Williams and Chris Teasdale who are on a mission to record the ordinary and extraordinary details of life in 21st century Britain. This is the imagery you won’t find in a tourist brochure. From tacky seaside signage ...
Featuring new patterns with detailed explanatory texts, this revised edition is an inspirational guide for craftspeople and artists alike.
The ultimate photo book for car lovers who appreciate the beauty of automotive design. This exquisite collection of photographs portrays the most iconic cars in history, from classic models to more recent super cars. It leads the enthusiast on a visual journey through the decades and across continents, ...
Turkish design is heavily dependent on the use of ornate calligraphy, geometric patterns and floral elements, such as foliage and creeping vines. This new, revised and expanded edition of Turkish Designs contains a collection of carefully reproduced, stunning images, with an emphasis on decorations taken ...