Seven Days in the Art World

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Cena: Do 39 dní Do obchodu

Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Dejiny umenia

Contemporary art has become a mass entertainment, a luxury good, a job description and, for some, a kind of alternative religion. Sarah Thornton''s shrewd and entertaining fly-on-the-wall narrative takes us behind the scenes of the art world, from art school to auction house, showing us how it works, ...viac

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Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Dejiny umenia


Contemporary art has become a mass entertainment, a luxury good, a job description and, for some, a kind of alternative religion. Sarah Thornton''s shrewd and entertaining fly-on-the-wall narrative takes us behind the scenes of the art world, from art school to auction house, showing us how it works, and giving us a vivid sense of being there.


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