Post This

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Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Dejiny umenia

Post This is the first book that empowers you to rediscover creativity and fun - and post the results to your social network. This is the first book of its kind for book lovers and the online generation, whatever social media platforms you use. Respond to the ingenious prompts to create a fabulous online ...viac

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Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Dejiny umenia


Post This is the first book that empowers you to rediscover creativity and fun - and post the results to your social network. This is the first book of its kind for book lovers and the online generation, whatever social media platforms you use. Respond to the ingenious prompts to create a fabulous online feed: share colouring pages, photos of what you\''re doing, video clips, patterning, doodling and inspirations on and off the page. Express yourself without need for perfection, share your images via social media and interact with the worldwide community on the hashtag #PostThisBook.


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