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Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Dane, účtovníctvo

What if the way we understand our world is wrong? What if it isn\''t politicians and events that shape our lives, but secret deals made by people you\''ve never heard of? This book tells the story of the secret deals that are changing the world, and revolutionizing everything we do, including money, ...viac

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Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Dane, účtovníctvo


What if the way we understand our world is wrong? What if it isn\''t politicians and events that shape our lives, but secret deals made by people you\''ve never heard of? This book tells the story of the secret deals that are changing the world, and revolutionizing everything we do, including money, the food we eat, what we buy, and the drugs we take to stay well. These deals never make the news: they are made high up in boardrooms, on golf courses, and in luxury cars: each sealed by world-changing handshakes. This is the story of those handshakes.


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Prezrite si ďalšie Dane, účtovníctvo, najprezeranejšie produkty N/A alebo najlacnejšie Dane, účtovníctvo.
