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Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Cestovanie, sprievodcovia

Lawyer-turned-author and charity worker Nigel Roberts is one of the leading experts on Belarus, a much misunderstood country that is gradually opening up more to the rest of the world. This new edition remains the only dedicated English-language guide to Belarus and will be of particular interest to ...viac

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Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Cestovanie, sprievodcovia


Lawyer-turned-author and charity worker Nigel Roberts is one of the leading experts on Belarus, a much misunderstood country that is gradually opening up more to the rest of the world. This new edition remains the only dedicated English-language guide to Belarus and will be of particular interest to the growing number of visitors from the USA interested in tracing the history of their Jewish families. The promotion of tourism to Belarus was growing rapidly when the first edition was published in June 2008, and the rate of growth has continued to the present day, not least due to the country’s increasing profile in world sport.

