Máte nový byt, nové miesto na život a chcete si ho čo najviac užiť a zároveň šetriť svoju peňaženku? Neváhajte a prispôsobte vedenie domácnosti vašim výdavkom i nárokom. Zaobstarajte si nápomocnú odbornú literatúru, knihy, ktoré vám pomôžu premeniť vás byt na vaše kráľovstvo a zároveň krotiť domácu pokladnicu alebo tipy ako ušetriť a efektívne využiť investície vrazené do vášho domova. Ušetrite ešte viac a vyberte si tú najvýhodnejšiu možnosť a začnite tak postupne tvoriť svoj domov s novou filozofiou.
Knihu Stavíme tepelné čerpadlo (Žeravík Antonín) si môžete pohodlne objednať na iPark.sk Nakupujte v spoľahlivom internetovom kníhkupectve iPark.sk.
Anna Alicia, the designer-maker behind eco-ethical homeware and jewellery label A Alicia, brings you 25 beautifully designed projects to help transform your home into a wonderful living space that truly reflects your personal style. Anna''''s approach e ncourages readers not only to try their hand at ...
Presents a photographed collection of real homes that stand as a reflection of their owners personalities and an expression of their interests rather than a homage to current trends.
Posteľ sprevádza človeka celým životom. Strávi v nej približne jeho tretinu – či už vo svojej, alebo v nejakej zaujímavejšej. No dobre, v divokých dobách dospievania sa vyspí aj pod širákom či pod kriakom, ale kniha nie je o spaní. Spanie je z hľadiska postele asi to najmenej zaujímavé. Niekedy je zaujímavá ...
Whether traditional, Nordic, or futuristic, the kitchen is the new living room--a place to cook, eat, and celebrate. This book showcases the latest interiors and kitchen concepts. At home, the kitchen is where the best parties end, the wildest affair s begin, food trends are set, small culinary businesses ...
Welcome to the wonderful world of home improvement! This book is packed with useful tips, techniques, quick fixes, and trade secrets to benefit complete beginners and those more experienced in the art of "do it yourself." The chapters are organized to include the basic elements of the home: walls and ...
Publikácia v praktickom vreckovom formáte obsahuje skúšobné poriadky pre skúšky stavačov, malých plemien, retrívrov, farbiarov, duričov a brlohárov (a súvisiace predpisy), ktoré vydala Slovenská poľovnícka komora na základe splnomocnenia v § 73 ods. 6 vyhlášky č. 344/2009 Z.z. V druhej časti publikujeme ...
Features projects in twelve private houses and apartments in Belgium. The completely revised second volume of the works of RR Interior Concepts. Wim Pauwels, founder and managing director of Beta-Plus Publishing, began putting out a series of books in 1997 about architecture and interior design.So far ...
With Make It Your Own: Bathrooms, D-I-Y projects are easier, more fun, and less time consuming than ever! This inspiring guide offers 50 simple and approachable projects to create a look that is totally unique. Each project is accompanied by photos, practical ideas, step-by-step instructions and material ...
Ryland Peters and Small: The most interesting, intriguing and truly stylish interiors are those that best reflect their...
Expand your living space by enclosing an existing porch, patio, deck or gazebo with this new edition from Sunset''''s outdoor building experts. It has everything you need to transform open outdoor areas into functional, inviting rooms for year-round use. Includes detailed step-by-step photography and ...
In this, their third book, Mark and Sally Bailey of destination homeware store Baileys Home & Garden turn to the homes of artists, craftspeople and designers and those who collect their work. Living with paintings, sculptures, ceramics and textiles - almost anything crafted by hand - will give your home ...
The kitchen: command center of the home, headquarters for all things edible, family-member traffic funnel. Whether you\''re a bachelor or bachelorette in a small starter home or part of a larger family, if this isn\''t the most-used room in your house, you must not be home very often. In the kitchen, ...
A digital revolution is underway. A global network of creative, interior design bloggers has emerged, publishing fresh and inspiring content online every day. With diverse backgrounds and lifestyles, these individual bloggers combine to create a thri ving online community of trend-setters and style gurus. ...
It looks like a country house depends on the region where it was created. The interiors of the houses of the French Provence, Tuscany or Italian are very different from rural houses in North America, and houses the UK. MODERN COUNTRY HOMES is an album dedicated to the contemporary rural houses: a modern, ...
This innovative new series documents, through the use of stunning colour photographs, 100 of the very best designs and projects relating to a specific room or feature. Each title displays a variety of different interior design and architectural styles, ensuring that every reader finds inspiration to ...
City living can present certain limitations. This book shows how architects overcome the challenge of building unique homes in the middle of a sea of houses. They create space where it is a scarce commodity. They preserve a sense of intimacy, despite being wall to wall with so many other homes. Find ...