Beletria, ktorá kedysi označovala krásnu literatúru či krásnu prózu, dnes získala trochu iný význam. Jednak je spoločným názvom pre prozaické diela, ale taktiež aj výrazom pre umeleckú prózu. Zaraďujeme sem najmä romány, novely, črty, poviedky a umeleckú reportáž. Beletria patrí v súčasnosti k najpredávanejším knižným artiklom. Internetové kníhkupectvá vám preto ponúkajú rôzne knihy, ktoré môžete mať po objednaní už zajtra vo vašej domácej knižnici. Urobte vybranou knihou radosť sebe alebo vašim blízkym.
Kniha, v ktorej je snaha sprítomniť životy obetované za vieru a lásku, ktorá je silnejšia než smrť. Život a smrť vo viere a láske vyžarujú svetlo, ktoré víťazí nad nenávisťou. Prijať takýto život i smrť je možné, lebo za to, čo máme radi, dokážeme aj zomrieť. Sestra Slavica veľmi svedomito zozbierala ...
Básnická prvotina publicistu, na ktorej margo Ivan Štrpka napísal: "Stručný a rázny pohyb aj slovný obrat ,päsťou do ticha‘ je priam hmatateľným výrokom, až takmer fyzicky pádnou charakteristikou nemého a pritom výrečného gesta aj ,poetického grifu‘ celej zbierky. Tibor Dohány utvára vytrvalo aktívne ...
Vraví sa : povedz mi, čo čítaš, a ja ti poviem, kto si. Britský esejista Mark Forsyth, náruživý čitateľ a vášnivý návštevník miest, kde sa predávajú knihy, to úslovie posúva o kúsok ďalej: Poviem ti, ako som našiel tie najbáječnejšie literárne poklady, a ty ma budeš nasledovať, nájdeš ich tiež a potom ...
Štefan bol benediktínsky mních, ktorý bol opátom v kláštore na Skalke pri Trenčíne v čase panovania Matúša Čáka Trenčianskeho. Príbeh nezvyčajného priateľstva mocného a bohatého Matúša so Štefanom – človekom oddanému viere, odhaľuje doteraz neznáme fakty z histórie Trenčína.
Though their house was new, the wall had been there a long time.' In these two stories, which have never before been translated into English, Tsushima shows how…
"Intense sexual desire is the greatest thing in the world." A tale of art, sex, blood, junkies and whores in New York''s underground, from cult literary icon Kathy Acker Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering ...
''I knew he was imagining a really lovely girl - all curves, curls, heart and hidden claws'' In stories that span the course of a lifetime - from childhood in the Caribbean to adolescent modelling in Paris; and from lonely adulthood to old age and beyond - here are women adrift, at sea, down but not ...
From the self-described ''black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet'', these soaring, urgent essays on the power of women, poetry and anger are filled with darkness and light. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering ...
''It''s an improbable city, Bologna - like one you might walk through after you have died.'' A dreamlike meditation on memory, food, paintings, a fond uncle and the improbable beauty of Bologna, from the visionary thinker and art critic. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit ...
Now Brando looked at people with assurance, and with what can only be called a pitying expression, as though he dwelt in spheres of enlightenment where they, to…
My heart brims with billows and minnows of shadows and silver Beautiful, brutal, strange and lovely: this is Lorca reborn, in a selection of previously unpublished pieces and masterful new translations. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics ...
'The alphabet ofthe treesis fading in thesong of the leaves' Filled with bright, unforgettable images, the deceptively simple work of William Carlos Williams re…
Dispatch the maimed, the old, the weak, destroy the very world itself, for what is the point of life if the promise of fulfilment lies elsewhere? On the windswe…
Sadder than salad. From apples to artichokes, these glittering, fragmented, painterly portraits of food by the avant-garde pioneer Gertrude Stein are redolent of sex, laughter and the joy of everyday life. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern ...
His hand sought the adjacent flesh and sorrow paralleled desire in the immense complexity of love. These moving stories by one of the great masters of Southern gothic portray love, sorrow and our search for happiness and understanding. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit ...
''As you are well aware, we never loved each other in your lifetime. Both of us pretended.'' Simenon explores the complexity of parent child relationships and the bitterness of things left unsaid in this stark, confessional piece. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the ...
''She only wished to prove to herself she was once more on a train going somewhere''.A passionate, unfulfilled woman considers her life and her marriage in this moving novella by one of America''s finest short story writers.Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic ...
\''She was bored and fought against her boredom, which only bored her still more.\'' Five sparkling, irreverent brief portraits of famous literary figures (including libertines, eccentrics and rogues) from Spain\''s greatest living writer. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit ...
One of fifty new books at 1.00 pound each, celebrating the pioneering spirit of the Penguin Modern Classics series, from inspiring essays to groundbreaking fiction and poetry - all complete, standalone works, some never published in Penguin Modern Classics before.