The Railway Children

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Three children and their mother move to a new home because their father gets sent away. They are sad at the beginning of their new life, but they make a new friend along the way and live a lot of adventures.Three children go to live in the country. Their house is near a train station. They go there with ...viac

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Three children and their mother move to a new home because their father gets sent away. They are sad at the beginning of their new life, but they make a new friend along the way and live a lot of adventures.Three children go to live in the country. Their house is near a train station. They go there with their mother. But their father isn’t there. The train station is an exciting place. Bobbie, Peter and Phyllis are always there. And they do a lot of exciting things.In this Reader you will find:.Information about Edith Nesbit;.A section focusing on background and context;.A glossary of difficult words;.Comprehension activities;.An exit test.Syllabus: Topics Love, Feelings, Family, Trains, Nature; Grammar and Structures: Simple Present: states and habits - Present Continuous: actions in progress - Past Simple: finished actions - Future forms: Present Continuous, going to, will - Can: ability, permission - Could: ability, permission in the past - Must: obligation - Have to: necessity - Will: offers, spontaneous decisions for future, predictions – Adjectives - Prepositions (place, time) – Pronouns.Stage 1 - Elementary - 600 headwords - A1.


  • Tri deti sa presťahujú na dedinu. Bývajú neďaleko železničnej stanice, kam chodia spolu s mamou. Ale otec neprichádza. Stanica je vzrušujúce miesto, Bobby, Peter a Phyllis tam chodia veľmi často. A zažívajú množstvo dobrodružstiev.
  • Tri deti a ich mama sa museli presťahovať do nového domu, a hoci sú zo začiatku smutní, nájdu si nových priateľov a zažijú množstvo dobrodružstiev.


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