The Black Dagger Brotherhood An Insider's Guide

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Prepare to enter the dark, passionate world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood and get up close and personal with each of the Brothers. You’ll find insider information on the Brotherhood and interviews with your favourite characters, including a heartbreaking conversation with Tohrment and Wellsie, conducted ...viac

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Prepare to enter the dark, passionate world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood and get up close and personal with each of the Brothers. You’ll find insider information on the Brotherhood and interviews with your favourite characters, including a heartbreaking conversation with Tohrment and Wellsie, conducted three weeks before she was killed by lessers. You’ll discover deleted scenes in addition to exciting material from the J. R. Ward message boards and the answers to questions about the series posed by readers. You’ll learn what it’s like for J. R. Ward to write each instalment of the series and, in a fascinating twist, you’ll read an interview with the author - conducted by the Brothers themselves.


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