The Attack of the Unexpected

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Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Beletria - anglicky

Everything in life is, in a sense, unexpected. From the people you meet to the events you experience. But sometimes the unexpected attacks. It eats at you and fundamentally changes where you are and where you are going. September 11, the credit crunch, and the rise of the World Wide Web are recent examples ...viac

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Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Beletria - anglicky


Everything in life is, in a sense, unexpected. From the people you meet to the events you experience. But sometimes the unexpected attacks. It eats at you and fundamentally changes where you are and where you are going. September 11, the credit crunch, and the rise of the World Wide Web are recent examples of agenda changing megaevents that we were forced to react to in some way or another. This book, by one of the world s leading trendspotters, is designed to help you understand the nature of unexpected events and how we are affected by it on an individual, corporate and societal basis. Building on studies of and interviews with people who have in some way been attacked and significantly affected by the unexpected, its aim is to help you stop fearing uncertainty and start embracing and leveraging it to your advantage.


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