Strategic Management for Hospitality and Tourism

Ostatní zákazníci nakúpili v:
Cena: Do 31 dní Do obchodu

Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Beletria - anglicky

Suitable for those studying theories and views on strategic management, this title provides critical and analytical discussion as to how and if these models and theories can be applied to the industry, within specific contexts such as culture, profit and non-profit organisations.

Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Beletria - anglicky


Suitable for those studying theories and views on strategic management, this title provides critical and analytical discussion as to how and if these models and theories can be applied to the industry, within specific contexts such as culture, profit and non-profit organisations.


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Prezrite si ďalšie Beletria - anglicky, najprezeranejšie produkty N/A alebo najlacnejšie Beletria - anglicky.
