Star Wars Complete Locations

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Explore the fascinating Star Wars(TM) galaxy with this updated edition of Star Wars: Complete Locations. Discover all the locations and film settings featured in the entire Star Wars saga. Incredible inside looks at the Star Wars world make this a must-have for any avid Star Wars fan, and show the Star ...viac

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Explore the fascinating Star Wars(TM) galaxy with this updated edition of Star Wars: Complete Locations. Discover all the locations and film settings featured in the entire Star Wars saga. Incredible inside looks at the Star Wars world make this a must-have for any avid Star Wars fan, and show the Star Wars universe in more detail than ever before. This new edition is fully up-to-date with the latest locations from The Force Awakens, and is packed with brand new imagery of all the important locations, including Starkiller Base. With eight brand new artworks, and an incredible range of location cross-sections, illustrations, and photographs, Star Wars: Complete Locations is the essential guide for anyone wanting to find their way around the galaxy far, far away. Previous edition ISBN 9781405310833 (c) & TM 2016 LUCASFILM LTD.


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