Roald Dahl's James's Giant Bug Book

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James and the Giant Peach is one of the top 5 bestselling Roald Dahl books. James Henry Trotter lives with two ghastly hags - Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker who are horrid to him. He\''s very lonely until one day something peculiar happens. At the end of the garden a peach starts to grow and GROW AND GROW. ...viac

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Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Beletria - anglicky


James and the Giant Peach is one of the top 5 bestselling Roald Dahl books. James Henry Trotter lives with two ghastly hags - Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker who are horrid to him. He\''s very lonely until one day something peculiar happens. At the end of the garden a peach starts to grow and GROW AND GROW. Inside that peach are seven very unusual creepy-crawlies all waiting to take James on a magical adventure! Now it\''s time for you to join James, The Centipede, The Earthworm and the rest of the gang in this bug-packed journey around the world of insects. It\''s packed with fascinating facts about creepy-crawlies, and fun activities to try at home such as making an ant farm and building your very own bug hotel!


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