Pip Bartletts Guide to Magical Creatures

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An exciting new series full of magical creature, whimsical adventures and quirky illustrations. Pip is a girl who can talk to magical creatures. And her aunt is a vet for magical creatures. When things go amok, Pip consults JEFFREY HIGGLESTON''S GUIDE TO MAGICAL CREATURES -- a fun guide to such entities ...viac

Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Beletria - anglicky


An exciting new series full of magical creature, whimsical adventures and quirky illustrations. Pip is a girl who can talk to magical creatures. And her aunt is a vet for magical creatures. When things go amok, Pip consults JEFFREY HIGGLESTON''S GUIDE TO MAGICAL CREATURES -- a fun guide to such entities that Pip adds to from time to time.


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