Lego Absolutely Everything You Need To Know

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The ultimate collection of LEGO® facts and Minifigures in brick-sized bites of trivia. Can you believe that a wooden duck was one of the LEGO Group''s first toys? Or that 68,000 LEGO pieces are created every minute? Did you know that the evil Overlord is the only NINJAGO® Minifigure to wear a skirt? ...viac

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The ultimate collection of LEGO® facts and Minifigures in brick-sized bites of trivia. Can you believe that a wooden duck was one of the LEGO Group''s first toys? Or that 68,000 LEGO pieces are created every minute? Did you know that the evil Overlord is the only NINJAGO® Minifigure to wear a skirt? Or that you''ll find a LEGO croissant piece inside 44 LEGO sets? This book is crammed full of fun and fascinating trivia for LEGO fans of every age. From minuscule Minifigure mugs to the largest LEGOLAND® model, it covers all the places, populations, pieces, and themes that make up the LEGO world. Produced in collaboration with the LEGO Group. Series Overview: A previous book in the series, Star Wars™: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, was a USA Today Top 150 bestseller and was nominated for Favorite Book at the 2016 Nickelodeon Kids'' Choice Awards. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. © 2017 The LEGO Group. Produced by Dorling Kindersley under license from the LEGO Group.


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