Is Your Mama a Llama?

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Follow Lloyd the llama on his quest to discover how many baby animals have llamas for mamas in this read-along, which includes a paperback and an audio CD with music and sound effects. Lloyd the llama is looking for his mama. "Is your mama a llama?" he asks a bat, a swan, a cow, a seal, and a kangaroo. ...viac

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Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Beletria - anglicky


Follow Lloyd the llama on his quest to discover how many baby animals have llamas for mamas in this read-along, which includes a paperback and an audio CD with music and sound effects. Lloyd the llama is looking for his mama. "Is your mama a llama?" he asks a bat, a swan, a cow, a seal, and a kangaroo. Young children will share Lloyd\''s delight when the answer to his question is finally, "Yes!" With rhyme and riddle, and the perfect narration by Amy Madigan, this charming story has become a favorite.


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