How to Make It as an Advertising Creative

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This book is aimed at anyone who is considering becoming an advertising creative, studying to become one, or would like to become a better one. Written in an entertaining and informative style, the book explains the diverse set of skills that you need to make it as an advertising creative above and beyond ...viac

Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Beletria - anglicky


This book is aimed at anyone who is considering becoming an advertising creative, studying to become one, or would like to become a better one. Written in an entertaining and informative style, the book explains the diverse set of skills that you need to make it as an advertising creative above and beyond the ability to write good adverts, and demonstrates: how to get the best out of the people you work with; how to present your work to clients; how to manage your career; even how to start your own agency. Getting a job as an advertising creative is not easy. This book will teach you the intangible skills that are essential if you are to get a job, survive, thrive and ultimately make it big in one of the most exciting industries on the planet. Includes a foreword by David Droga, founder of the Droga5 advertising agency in New York, and one of the hottest names in the world of advertising right now.


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