Ethics And Issues In Contemporary Nursing

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Students and professionals alike have utilized this dynamic resource to apply legal and ethical decision making to the complex issues affecting their practice. Now, this highly praised text has been updated to include the latest trends, principles, theories, and models that serve as guides for ethically ...viac

Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Beletria - anglicky


Students and professionals alike have utilized this dynamic resource to apply legal and ethical decision making to the complex issues affecting their practice. Now, this highly praised text has been updated to include the latest trends, principles, theories, and models that serve as guides for ethically sound behavior in contemporary nursing care. With real world examples like Hurricane Katrina and the Schiavo case, chapter concepts are naturally applied to the practice setting. Critical thinking examples and exercises challenge you through self-reflection. Considering the complexities created by scientific and technological advances, client diversity, and various practice settings, this text emphasizes the importance of moral action in personal and professional situations.


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