Dont Call Me Sweet

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Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Beletria - anglicky

I''m a giant monster, with sharp, sharp claws. I''ve got big, spiky teeth and loud, loud roars. Which is why I say, to everyone I meet.CALL ME SCARY.DON''T CALL ME SWEET! Everyone thinks that little monsters are cute and cuddly, but this monster''s grumpy and grouchy. Honest! He does REAL monster stuff, ...viac

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Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Beletria - anglicky


I''m a giant monster, with sharp, sharp claws. I''ve got big, spiky teeth and loud, loud roars. Which is why I say, to everyone I meet.CALL ME SCARY.DON''T CALL ME SWEET! Everyone thinks that little monsters are cute and cuddly, but this monster''s grumpy and grouchy. Honest! He does REAL monster stuff, like stomping around and eating squishy, squelchy food like bug eye stew. He''s brave, too - he''s not scared of ANYTHING. Not even big, hairy ogres.Wait, is that a big, hairy ogre? HELP!


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