Colleges & Universities

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Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Beletria - anglicky

The last decade has witnessed major changes in the design of higher education institutions, keeping pace with the demands of broadening curricula, changing student expectations and the increasing importance of technology on campuses. New pathways forged in scientific research present a particularly exciting ...viac

Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Beletria - anglicky


The last decade has witnessed major changes in the design of higher education institutions, keeping pace with the demands of broadening curricula, changing student expectations and the increasing importance of technology on campuses. New pathways forged in scientific research present a particularly exciting challenge to architects, who have responded with unprecedented and inventive laboratories and workspaces. Furthermore, the widespread introduction of additional departments and courses demands a corresponding growing diversity in the buildings in which they are housed. The resulting flood of new publications to be stored and accessed has led to the emergence of numerous new libraries. Projects from around the globe are showcased in this volume, representing functional and stylistic diversity across this exciting and increasingly international field. These campuses set themselves apart as pioneering and inspirational, both architecturally and for those who live, work and study in them.


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