A Totally Awkward Love Story

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The summer before college, Hannah swears she''s finally going to find The One. And for five perfect minutes, she does. She just wishes she''d caught his name. For Sam, the summer is off to a bad start. But after five minutes with some strange and hilarious girl, he''s head over heels. With his luck, ...viac

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The summer before college, Hannah swears she''s finally going to find The One. And for five perfect minutes, she does. She just wishes she''d caught his name. For Sam, the summer is off to a bad start. But after five minutes with some strange and hilarious girl, he''s head over heels. With his luck, though, he''ll never see her again, and he''ll remain a girlfriendless, moony-eyed virgin. Forever. But another chance meeting brings them together, only to have a misunderstanding drive them apart. Madcap mishaps, raunchy hilarity, and deep romance follow these two wherever they go. For two people so clearly destined for each other, they sure have a hell of a lot of trouble even getting together.


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