Beletria, alebo aj prozaické umelecké dielo, prináša do našich životov nové príbehy, vzrušenie i zážitok, ktorý pre nás napísal autor a pred našimi očami ho nakreslila naša vlastná fantázia. Klasická anglická literatúra prináša nezabudnuteľné príbehy Williama Shakespaera či Jane Austenovej. Knihy po anglicky a príbehy ukryté na ich stránkach nám nielenže rozjasňujú dni a vytŕhajú nás z každodennej nudnej rutiny, ale rovnako nás nútia aktívne premýšľať nad vetnými konštrukciami a pomáhajú nám v zdokonaľovaní sa v cudzom jazyku.
Build your own 91-cm long Mega Model Tyrannosaurus rex to marvel at in your home! Illustrated to the highest detail to create a living T. rex prowling through a swamp, this striking model is easy to put together without using glue or scissors. The thick model pieces are pressed out of 2mm boards, which ...
One Belt, One Road is China''s bold plan to remake the global economy. It''s an ambitious strategy with a $2 trillion - and rising - budget. The objective? To challenge the existing economic and political world order.One Road, Many Dreams reveals the true extent of China''s ambition, analyses the impact ...
Exceedingly clear, concise, and comprehensive, this volume sets forth the essential fundamentals of both the practice and theoretical underpinnings of clinical hypnosis. It will acquaint readers with a field that is dynamic, diverse, and constantly evolving, and one that offers superb therapeutic tools ...
Green Start Wooden Toy Shape Sorter - Busy Bus: With shape sorter holes on the sides, a puzzle on the top, real rolling wheels, and eight chunky wooden play pie…
As legend has it, the storyteller Aesop was a slave who lived in ancient Greece during the sixth century B.C. His memorable, recountable fables have brought amusing characters to life and driven home thought-provoking morals for generations of listeners and modern-day readers. Translated into countless ...
This brand new, deluxe box set contains one copy each of&,nbsp,Wreck This Journal,This Is Not a Book,&,nbsp,Mess, and now&,nbsp,The Pocket Scavenger.&,nbsp,It has been specially designed by Keri herself.Smith invites you to reimagine what a book can be (a secret message, a recording device, ...
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - The official behind-the-scenes companion guide to the first two seasons and beyond, featuring exclusive color photos and stunning concept art. Note: This book has been designed to mimic a used book. The marks, scuffs, and tears on the cover and pages are an intentional design ...
"Will slip equally well into a pocket as a Christmas stocking." - The Wall Street Journal, "What to Give," holiday gift guide. Featured in the New York Times, The Washington Post, BBC''s "The World," Real Simple, BuzzFeed, Bustle, and more! This must-have collection is the ultimate addition to any book ...
Bestselling Holly Black boxed set of the Folk of the Air trilogy.
The V&A Book of Color in Design is attractively simple: a celebration and exploration of color, as revealed through objects in the world-class collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Structured by color, it offers fascinating ins.
We'd all like a limitless budget for interior decoration, but few of us enjoy that luxury. We tend to fill our homes with a range of unrelated furnishings acquired over a number of years, and hope that somehow everything will work together. Tackling the tricky - and common - problem of combining ...
Aimed at deepening our understanding of the Poetics, this collection places Aristotle\''s analysis of tragedy in its larger philosophical context. In these twenty-one essays, philosophers and classicists explore the corpus of Aristotle\''s work in order to link the Poetics to the rest of his views on ...