Beletria, alebo aj prozaické umelecké dielo, prináša do našich životov nové príbehy, vzrušenie i zážitok, ktorý pre nás napísal autor a pred našimi očami ho nakreslila naša vlastná fantázia. Klasická anglická literatúra prináša nezabudnuteľné príbehy Williama Shakespaera či Jane Austenovej. Knihy po anglicky a príbehy ukryté na ich stránkach nám nielenže rozjasňujú dni a vytŕhajú nás z každodennej nudnej rutiny, ale rovnako nás nútia aktívne premýšľať nad vetnými konštrukciami a pomáhajú nám v zdokonaľovaní sa v cudzom jazyku.
A beautifully illustrated story that celebrates the joys of artistic creation and the power of imagination
It\''s hard work being good all the time. And it\''s especially hard for a dog like George! Harris is off to do some shopping. "Will you be good, George?" he asks. George hopes he can. He really wants to. but chocolate cake is just so very delicious and he does love to chase cat. What will George do ...
The third book in the New York Times bestselling series from the fantasy author who is a legend herself: TAMORA PIERCE. The path to knighthood is full of surprises.... Keladry of Mindelan dreams of becoming squire to the famous female knight Alanna the Lioness, but she worries that she will not be selected ...
Un roman autobiographique de Jules Renard, qui raconte l’enfance et les déboires d’un enfant mal aimé. Dans cet ouvrage: des dossiers culturels; un glossaire des mots et expressions difficiles; des exercices DELF; des activités ludiques tres variées. Themes: Sentiments, Famille L’histoire se déroule ...
Lose yourself in the magical new novel from the No.1 bestselling author of PS I Love You How can you know someone you''ve never met? Joyce Conway remembers things she shouldn''t. She knows about tiny cobbled streets in Paris, which she has never vis ited. And every night she dreams about an unknown little ...