Beletria, alebo aj prozaické umelecké dielo, prináša do našich životov nové príbehy, vzrušenie i zážitok, ktorý pre nás napísal autor a pred našimi očami ho nakreslila naša vlastná fantázia. Klasická anglická literatúra prináša nezabudnuteľné príbehy Williama Shakespaera či Jane Austenovej. Knihy po anglicky a príbehy ukryté na ich stránkach nám nielenže rozjasňujú dni a vytŕhajú nás z každodennej nudnej rutiny, ale rovnako nás nútia aktívne premýšľať nad vetnými konštrukciami a pomáhajú nám v zdokonaľovaní sa v cudzom jazyku.
Tells the history of our journey into the heart of Kukuanaland; a trek into the interior of the dark continent to find a lost friend and discover the diamond mines of King Solomon.
The Activity Book and Play offers a range of extra writing exercises, helping you to make the most of the language presented in each Classic Tale. The short play re-uses the same language in the story. Students can perform the play for the rest of the class, for other classes, or even the whole school. ...
Cena:11.12€ | Autor:Bush, George W. | Rok vydania:2011 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:na sklade | ISBN:9780753539965 | Vydavateľ:Virgin Books
Druh sortimentu : Kniha, Miss Molly's School of Manners, , Rok vydania : 2018,
Lord Jim je tragický príbeh mladého námorného dôstojníka, ktorého prenasleduje pocit, že stratil svoju česť, keď v zdanlivo beznádejnej situácii opustil potápajúcu sa loď bez ohľadu na ohrozených cestujúcich, a ktorý hľadá vykúpenie z viny v obetavej pomoci domorodcom v zapadnutej malajskej dedine pri ...
Cena:7.95€ | Autor:Coelho, Paulo | Rok vydania:2005 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780007214716 | Vydavateľ:Harper Collins
Druh sortimentu : Kniha, Untitled Aaronovitch Novella 2 of 4,, Rok vydania : 2020,.
Omar Khayyam Shakil had three mothers who shared the symptoms of pregnancy, as they did everything else, inseparably. At their six breasts, Omar was warned against all feelings and nuances of shame. It was training which would prove useful when he left his mothers' fortress (via the dumb-waiter) ...
Internationally bestselling author Philippa Gregory brings the tumult and intrigue of The Wars of the Roses to vivid life through the women of the House of Lancaster and the House of York, beginning with the story of Elizabeth Woodville, the White Queen. A woman who won the love of a king and ascended ...
Everyone knows that Old King Cole is the merriest soul and that Jack is nimble, quick, and likes to jump over candlesticks. Now little ones can follow along word-for-word as Mickey and friends introduce them to classic Mother Goose rhymes. Sturdy board pages, a padded cover, and one rhyme per page make ...
London - the perfect place for a girl and her mother to spend the day! Follow them as they board the classic red bus and begin a whirlwind tour of some of London''s most iconic landmarks. Try to climb the awe-inspiring lions at Trafalgar Square, take in the ritualistic Changing of the Guard, experience ...
A very simple non-fiction, lift-the-flap book for small children. Packed with holes to peep through, flaps to look beneath and snippets of factual information. A brilliant introduction to an amazing variety of animal homes, including nests, warrens, hives, dens and dams.
Maľovanky s nálepkami na praktické vyučovanie anglického jazyka. Farebné nálepky v kombinácii s ľahkými a zaujímavými textmi zrýchlia a zatraktívnia vyučovanie jazyka? Cvičenia obohatia slovnú zásobu dieťaťa? Praktické informácie, preklady a fonetický zápis textov uľahčia rodičom a učiteľom prácu s dieťaťom.Název: ...
The third heartwarming book about red-haired Anne Shirley. As her childhood friends get married and move away, Anne too leaves Prince Edward Island for Redmond College in Kingsport. Though Priscilla Grant and Gilbert Blythe are fellow-students, she a t first feels lonely and provincial. But Anne soon ...
For twenty-five years, a solitary American novelist has been writing at the desk she inherited from a young poet who disappeared at the hands of Pinochet''s secret police; one day a girl claiming to be the poet''s daughter arrives to take it away, sending
When Kirsty Wilson lands a room in a luxury Glasgow flat owned by Swedish fellow student Eva Magnusson she can''t believe her luck. But Kirsty''s delight turns to terror when she finds the beautiful Swedish girl lying dead in their home and their male flatm.
For millennia, Stoicism has been the ancient philosophy that attracts those who seek greatness, from athletes to politicians and everyone in between. And no won….
Money gives us freedom. It gives us choices. But why is it women are nearly always poorer than men? The modern world is rigged unfairly in men''s favour. Exploring injustices and penalties from pensions to the tampon tax, bearing children to boardroom bullying, Annabelle Williams, financial journalist ...
This novel by the author of "The Name of the Rose" follows that book's format of a complex intellectual thriller. The plot ranges back and forth through the centuries, full of arcane knowledge, secret societies, love, death, passion and perversion.