Beletria, alebo aj prozaické umelecké dielo, prináša do našich životov nové príbehy, vzrušenie i zážitok, ktorý pre nás napísal autor a pred našimi očami ho nakreslila naša vlastná fantázia. Klasická anglická literatúra prináša nezabudnuteľné príbehy Williama Shakespaera či Jane Austenovej. Knihy po anglicky a príbehy ukryté na ich stránkach nám nielenže rozjasňujú dni a vytŕhajú nás z každodennej nudnej rutiny, ale rovnako nás nútia aktívne premýšľať nad vetnými konštrukciami a pomáhajú nám v zdokonaľovaní sa v cudzom jazyku.
Una bella storia da leggere e tanti facili giochi da svolgere. Utili vocabolari illustrati presentano: - il bosco di giorno, il bosco di notte - i dolci - i lavori di casa.
Una bella storia da leggere e tanti facili giochi da svolgere. Utili vocabolari illustrati presentano: - l’abbigliamento - per cucire - nel salotto - la città.
A l’intérieur, une belle histoire et des jeux amusants. Vocabulaires illustrés: - les adjectifs - les moyens de transport - le salon - les prépositions.
Una bella storia da leggere e tanti facili giochi da svolgere. Utili vocabolari illustrati presentano: - gli animali selvaggi - le azioni - la natura - il picnic.
Tintin is always looking for adventure! So when he finds a scroll in a model ship he decides to find out more. But Tintin’s curiosity gets him into trouble and…
Slip one A year after her husband\''s death, Jo Mackenzie is finally starting to get the hang of being a single parent. Knit two together The boys are thriving in their new seaside home, the wool shop is starting to do well and despite two weddings, an in-school knitting project and Trevor the Wonder ...
Cena:12.72€ | Autor:Brautigan, Richard | Rok vydania:2002 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9780099437598 | Vydavateľ:Vintage
61 Hours ended with maverick loner Jack Reacher trapped in a desperate situation from which escape seemed impossible. Even for him. But Reacher has done the impossible before. Now there''s deadly trouble in the wilds of Nebraska.and Reacher walks right into it. First he falls foul of the Duncans, a local ...
''The dog was lying on the grass in the middle of the lawn in front of Mrs Shears'' house. It looked as if it was running on its side, the way dogs run when they think they are chasing a cat in a dream. But the dog was not running or asleep. The dog was dead. There was a garden fork sticking out of the ...
Amos Decker, David Baldacci\''s unique special agent with the gift of a remarkable memory, returns in The Fallen. Small towns which have seen better times are not unusual. But the mysterious events in Baronville, Pennsylvania, are raising the highly-tuned antennae of agent Amos Decker and his FBI partner, ...
This time, change is afoot in Ankh-Morpork - Discworld''''s first steam engine has arrived, and once again Moist von Lipwig finds himself with a new and challenging job. To the consternation of the patrician, Lord Vetinari, a new invention has arrived in Ankh-Morpork – a great clanging monster of a machine ...
Dlho očakávaná tretia kniha s postavou Roberta Langdona (predchádzajúce tituly: Anjeli a démoni, Da Vinciho kód) sa odohrávajú v rýchlom tempe. Templársky príbeh sa odohrá v rozmedzí iba 12 hodín. Anglické vydanie vychádza 15. septembra 2009 v rekordnom náklade 6,5 mil. výtlačkov.The Lost Symbol is the ...
Juliet, Naked is bestselling author Nick Hornby''s moving, funny account of life''s second chances. Annie''s put fifteen years into safe, slightly obsessive Duncan, and now she''d like her money back, please. It''s time to move on. But she lives in Gooleness, the north''s answer to a question nobody ...
The No. 1 New York Times bestseller debut, collector's hardback edition, boasting 72 pages of bonus content! * Two essays by Veronica Roth, including excerpts from early drafts of Divergent * An essay about the psychology behind fear and the "exposure therapy" of Dauntless initiation * Artistic renderings ...
In this and indeed other lives there are givers and takers. It's safe to say that vampires are very much in the latter camp. They don't have much time for the givers of this world - except perhaps mealtimes - and even less for priests. Mightily Oats has not picked a good time to be a priest. Lancre's ...
It''s the most annoying question and they just can''t help asking you. You''ll be asked it at family gatherings, weddings, and on first dates. And you''ll ask yourself far too often. It''s the question that has no good answer. It''s the question that when people stop asking it, makes you feel even worse: ...
"Bliss" was Peter Carey\'s astonishing first novel, originally published in 1981 - a fast-moving extravaganza, both funny and gripping, about a man who, recovering from death, is convinced that he is in Hell. For the first time in his life, Harry Joy sees the world as it really is and takes up a notebook ...
Aj vy ste presvedčení, že vaše dieťa potrebuje do života znalosť svetových jazykov? Ak áno, tak presne v tomto vám môže nenásilným a hravým spôsobom pomôcť kniha úspešnej slovenskej spisovateľky Danky Janebovej. Je to príbeh, ktorý sa denne odohráva v mnohých mladých rodinách, plný láskavého, nevtieravého ...