What Shape Is Space

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Odporúčame: Top 20 produktov z kategórie Astronómia, meteorológia

If the edge of the observable Universe is not the edge of everything, where does it end? If we were to stand on the edge of our observable Universe, would we see another stretching before us? If the Universe is infinite, what kind of infinite do we mean? Does it consist of myriad bubble universes, each ...viac

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Najprezeranejšie produkty v kategórií Astronómia, meteorológia


If the edge of the observable Universe is not the edge of everything, where does it end? If we were to stand on the edge of our observable Universe, would we see another stretching before us? If the Universe is infinite, what kind of infinite do we mean? Does it consist of myriad bubble universes, each containing its own infinite universe? Or is it an evolving series of parallel universes or multiverses? Discover answers to all these questions and more in this lucid, revelatory and innovative volume.

