Podľa vydavateľstva Lonely Planet patrí medzi 10 najkrajších stavieb sveta jednoznačne Tádž Mahal, Guggenheimovo múzeum, palác Potala, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Sagrada Familia, Imámova mešita, Zimný palác, Crac des Chevaliers, múzeum Oscara Niemeyera a Hagia Sofia. Ich architektúra je príkladom dokonalého umenia, tak ako ňou oplývajú aj mnohé ďalšie stavby, ktoré sa, bohužiaľ, do rebríčka nedostali. Kníhkupectvá vám ponúkajú rôzne knihy, pomocou ktorých sa môžete o architektúre veľa naučiť a zároveň tiež spoznávať krajiny sveta.
Expansive projects accomplished by the interdisciplinary design collective 3deluxe over the last five years. They skilful interplay graphics, interiors and architecture to create powerful spatial situations and graphics that combines a sensitive intellectual and sensual balance. The multi-media theme ...
Since the first hunter-gatherers, humans have sought out things of beauty and excellence—a quest epitomized by the elegant stores displayed in this sumptuous 396-page volume which is packed with hundreds of stunning photographs, as well as informative texts. Each can be considered a pinnacle of the shopping ...
With heightened concern about the use of natural resources, materials for buildings are once again at the forefront of discussion. Malcolm Holzman strives to take advantage of the variety of products available, whether time-tested, tired from over-use, relegated to the scrap pile, entirely new or from ...
Antique building materials immediately give timeless, inimitable style to a new or restored home. Reclaimed wooden floors, old terracotta tiles, traditional Bur…
This comprehensive handbook includes all the classic wall and floor coverings, but also some less common materials: natural stone, wood, ceramic tiles, carpets, wallpaper, as well as poly-concrete, linoleum, vinyl, rubber, synthetic resin, glass.This book gives an overview of the current market for floors ...
This title deals with classic living in all its guises: from a restored, intimate farmhouse to a stately home, from a distinctive country estate to a timeless a…
The variety within the hotel industry has been considerably increased over the past years; outstanding concepts have been developed beyond just more and more luxury. Yet, despite all variations, the intention of today’s top-hotels is always the same: they want to find a way to make the place truly special. ...
Duchovní průvodce po jednom z nejkrásnějších mostů na světě odkrývá jak jeho krásu, tak souvislosti víry, historických událostí a osob, díky nimž vznikla úchvatná galerie třiceti soch a sousoší svatých na obou jeho stranách.Autor nás nejprve seznamuje s tím, kdo, kdy a na čí zadání sochy vytvořil (dějiny). ...
Publikácia Juro Tvarožek. Architekt a staviteľ predstavuje čitateľom komplexný portrét významného slovenského architekta 1. polovice 20. storočia. Juro Tvarožek (1887 - 1966) je známy najmä ako autor bratislavského bytového domu s kaviarňou a kinom Metropol a funkcionalistickej budovy pôvodnej Mestskej ...
Katalog stejnojmenné výstavy rozšířený o několik esejí, věnovaný rozsáhlé tvorbě a neuvěřitelně zajímavému životnímu osudu světově proslulého architekta. Antonín Raymond (1888–1976) pocházel z Kladna, brzy odešel do USA, ale první opravdový úspěch zaznamenal až v Japonsku, které se stalo jeho novým domovem ...
Kniha - Budúcnosť ľudovej architektúry Slovenska voľne nadväzuje na knihu Ľudová architektúra Slovenska 1-2. Táto publikácia je snahou naviazať na roztrhnutú tradíciu ľudovej architektúry Slovenska a ukázať cestu, ako by mal alebo mohol vyzerať náš vidiek, ak by vývoj šiel prirodzeným smerom. Knižka ...
Definícia hovorí – most je stavebná konštrukcia umožňujúca prevedenie horizontálnej komunikácie cez vodný tok alebo inú hlbokú prekážku. A ako to vidí básnik? Načo sú mosty cez rieku? Aby mal človek bližšie k človeku. Obrazová publikácia čitateľom predstaví historické mosty Českej republiky, ktoré sú ...
Bella Figura Milan''s sumptuous modernist hallways First impressions count, especially in Milano. In this unprecedented photographic journey, editor Karl Kolbitz opens the door to 140 of the city''s most sumptuous entrance halls, captivating in their diversity and splendor. These vibrant Milanese entryways, ...
C.F.A. Voysey (1857-1941) was an architect-designer who advocated honest and thoughtful design, and championed high standards of craftsmanship applied only to the finest materials. The resulting objects - simple yet elegant, often enhanced by beautiful and symbolic decoration - were considered revolutionary ...
This cosmopolitan city of bankers and book publishers is an industrial and economic powerhouse not just of Germany but of all Europe. As you might expect from a…
Maximum inspiration: striking photography, moodboards, and customized interiors A unique coffee table book that provides profound insights int…
Each volume focusses on one of the key factors that play a role in decoration - Color, Storage, Accessories, Lighting, Flooring &,amp, Materials or on different kinds of houses or spaces - Rooms for fun, Rooms for kids or Urban apartments. The photographs, accompanied by descriptive captions,.
New spaces for new learning--not just in kindergartens, schools, and universities. How well we learn is directly linked to where we learn. In our digital age, an enormous amount of information is easily accessible. Against this background and because lecture-style teaching is no longer popular, knowledge ...
Fumihiko Maki's many buildings are characterized by a commitment to the ongoing project of Modernism as well as a humanist concern for the experience of the peo…
Welcome to Modernism: The very best of the first five years of the groundbreaking architecture magazine From the end of World War II until the mid-1960s, exciting things were happening in American architecture: emerging talents were focusing on innovative projects that integrated low-cost materials and ...