Podľa vydavateľstva Lonely Planet patrí medzi 10 najkrajších stavieb sveta jednoznačne Tádž Mahal, Guggenheimovo múzeum, palác Potala, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Sagrada Familia, Imámova mešita, Zimný palác, Crac des Chevaliers, múzeum Oscara Niemeyera a Hagia Sofia. Ich architektúra je príkladom dokonalého umenia, tak ako ňou oplývajú aj mnohé ďalšie stavby, ktoré sa, bohužiaľ, do rebríčka nedostali. Kníhkupectvá vám ponúkajú rôzne knihy, pomocou ktorých sa môžete o architektúre veľa naučiť a zároveň tiež spoznávať krajiny sveta.
This fresh overview of Tadao Ando’s oeuvre spans the breadth of his career, from his beginnings in 1975 to today. Based on the massive XXL edition, this accessible volumesheds light on the Modernist master through photographs and architectural drawings, and includes such new projects as the Shanghai ...
This survey of the world''s most innovative and successful examples of pre-fabricated homes explores the full range of possibilities, open to anyone seeking to find clever and up-to-date solutions for building their own home. From net-zero houses to plug-and-play dwellings and converted shipping containers, ...
Publikaci vydala Západočeská galerie v Plzni v roce 2011 u příležitosti konání stejnojmenné výstavy. O unikátním souboru bytových interiérů, navržených v Plzni slavným architektem Adolfem Loosem, se v poslední době hodně mluví a píše. Zatím se však velmi málo ví o tom, kdo vlastně byli Loosovi zákazníci ...
The book presents outstanding hand drawings of German architects from various areas of architecture and design. The focus of the presentation is on the individual manuscripts of the architects and designers. For some time now, many architects and designer are returning to manually drawn depictions of ...
New ideas on how to design, build, and decorate a kitchen are always of essential value to architects, designers, and homeowners. This new addition to a success…
In New York, Berlin and Tokyo, night is the new day, and life is celebrated in some of the most unusual clubs around. With unique style and creative design, a culture of its own is staged. Modern club design demands spectacular gestures, innovation and creativity. These may find expression in the use ...
New London Style takes a fresh look into the homes of the most exciting young creatives in the city, from the music, fashion, design and art worlds. This new wave is injecting funkiness and bright ideas into highly individual and inspirational interiors. A great number of these ideas begin in the intimacy ...
Domestic bliss: Innovative, intimate architecture from China to ChileDesigning private residences has its own very special challenges and nuances for the architect. The scale may be more modest than public projects, the technical fittings less complex than an industrial site, but the preferences, requirements ...
Over the last five years, architecture in China has experienced an unprecedented boom in architecture and has become the most dynamic and active region in the w…
This volume features some of the best examples of prefabricated residential architecture. With numerous examples from recent times, it is evidence of a growing trend in the construction industry which, through harnessing the benefits of prefabricated buildings, has been able to achieve ever greater control ...