Podľa vydavateľstva Lonely Planet patrí medzi 10 najkrajších stavieb sveta jednoznačne Tádž Mahal, Guggenheimovo múzeum, palác Potala, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Sagrada Familia, Imámova mešita, Zimný palác, Crac des Chevaliers, múzeum Oscara Niemeyera a Hagia Sofia. Ich architektúra je príkladom dokonalého umenia, tak ako ňou oplývajú aj mnohé ďalšie stavby, ktoré sa, bohužiaľ, do rebríčka nedostali. Kníhkupectvá vám ponúkajú rôzne knihy, pomocou ktorých sa môžete o architektúre veľa naučiť a zároveň tiež spoznávať krajiny sveta.
The American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) exerted unique influence on the architecture of the first half of this century. This volume presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright''''s extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout ...
The homes featured in this book challnge the concept of domestic architecture. Concrete, steel and timber are reconsidered and translated into designs for the 21st century.
Serves as a reference of the 101 world''''s tallest skyscrapers, including photos, plans, details on architects, engineers and technical data on each building.
Titul je viazaný na špeciálnu objednávku, ktorú nie je možné vrátiť (platia Všeobecné obchodné podmienky - časť Reklamačný poriadok)! Landscape architecture is comprised of a wide and multifaceted range of very diverse outdoor space designs – stern or playful, shrill or romantic, straightforward or low ...
This book continues the unique approach to designing successful paediatric health care facilities, which has made Bruce King Komiske one of the industry\''s most in-demand design and management consultants. Following the success of the first volume of "Designing the World\''s Best Children\''s Hospitals", ...
"360 Interiors" showcases handpicked interior design projects from across the world. While distinctive works from countries such as Italy, Australia,…
The first comprehensive monograph on Mario Bellini, one of Italy\''s most versatile and influential designers. A key figure in the emergence of Italy as an important centre fore design in the 1960\''s, Mario Bellini is renowned for his elegant, dramatic and often poetic designs for, among others, Olivetti, ...
Cena:45€ | Autor:Rôzni autori (editori) | Rok vydania:2002 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:2-3 týždne | ISBN:9781904313007 | Vydavateľ:Electa Architecture
This fundamental work provides an overview of the whole creative realm of contemporary landscape architecture. Every aspect of the design and production of these public and private spaces is thematized and elucidated. These spaces encompass a huge variety, stretching from classic garden design and golf ...
Rozsiahla monografia poskytuje komplexný pohľad na vývoj slovenskej architektúry v stredoeurópskom priestore 20. storočia. Prvá časť publikácie ponúka analýzu koncepcií, udalostí, vplyvov, stavieb, informácie o významných i menej známych architektoch, ale aj bohatý ilustračný materiál. Druhá časť katalógovým ...
In the decades since the advent of the shopping mall, shopping has become synonymous with entertainment and the retail store a key player in establishing brand…
This visual survey covers the styles that have had the greatest impact on the interiors of British and American domestic architecture. The book is designed for owners of period homes, restorers, architects and those interested in building heritage.
Street furniture is the secret star of urban outdoor design. Though rarely noticed at first glance, it significantly contributes towards the urban experience. Benches, fountains, street lamps, rubbish bins, post boxes, tourist information signs, bus stops as well as public toilets are items that reoccur ...
Ecological rethinking and sustainable building concepts have become important topics in contemporary architecture. The use of renewable resources and the intent…
In the age of multichannel commerce, shopping malls and department stores are faced with difficult challenges coupled with new and promising perspectives.The ob…
This volume is part of the successful book series "Collection of Architecture", an unparalleled resource that presents 1000 outstanding and creative p…
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