Podľa vydavateľstva Lonely Planet patrí medzi 10 najkrajších stavieb sveta jednoznačne Tádž Mahal, Guggenheimovo múzeum, palác Potala, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Sagrada Familia, Imámova mešita, Zimný palác, Crac des Chevaliers, múzeum Oscara Niemeyera a Hagia Sofia. Ich architektúra je príkladom dokonalého umenia, tak ako ňou oplývajú aj mnohé ďalšie stavby, ktoré sa, bohužiaľ, do rebríčka nedostali. Kníhkupectvá vám ponúkajú rôzne knihy, pomocou ktorých sa môžete o architektúre veľa naučiť a zároveň tiež spoznávať krajiny sveta.
This book questions received notions about modern architecture and embraces all of the important architectural movements and influences of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
With in-depth technical explanations and hundreds of glossy color photographs, this work is as attractive as it is practical. With dozens of new and daring prop…
The first monograph on Snarkitecture, a New York-based collaborative and innovative design studio with an introduction by Maria Cristina Didero. Fast becoming one of the world\''s most sought-after studios, Snarkitecture has designed installations, architecture, products, and furniture for a diverse ...
Katedrála sv. Víta na Pražském hradě je jedním ze symbolů české státnosti; místo korunovace a pohřebiště českých králů, sídlo arcibiskupů, místo konání státních ceremonií a v neposlední řadě i velmi vyhledávaná turistická atrakce. Předkládaná publikace od renomovaných odborníků představuje historii chrámu, ...
In this lavish full-color volume featuring 225 photographs, Taavo Somer, the creative mind behind Freemans, the iconic New York City restaurant, barber, menswear shop, and bespoke tailor, reveals the creative process behind the development and design of the "rustic-luxe" and holistic approach of this ...
Studio 44 Architects is one of the largest private architectural firms in St. Petersburg and in Russia. Founded in 1991 and led by Nikita Yawein, the company no….
These dining hotspots are distinguished by fine culinary craft and their unique conceptions of the dining experience. Lighting, materials, and space all play a part. Most of all, such cool eateries create a sense of occasion—making diners feel special. Every meal is a feast for all the senses, not only ...
Europe\''s burgeoning contemporary hotel scene draws much attention for its daring and panache. This oversized addition to the successful Cool Hotels series is a selection of the most outstanding examples the continent offers. With designs that intrigue and amuse, these accommodations highlight the absolute ...
The New 100 Houses is the fourth book in IMAGES\'' popular 100 Best Houses series. IMAGES has again selected houses that represent the very best in international residential architecture. The houses featured represent everything from the modern to the classical. This is a book that can be browsed through ...
Cena:58.39€ | Autor:Rôzni autori (editori) | Rok vydania:2004 | Jazyk: V anglickom jazyku | Dostupnosť:na sklade | ISBN:9781904313267 | Vydavateľ:Electa Architecture
The Elements of Style is the most comprehensive visual survey, period by period, feature by feature, of the key styles in American and British domestic architecture from the Tudor period to present day. A valuable reference guide, the book is designed for owners of period houses, restorers, architects, ...
Gone are the times when offices were either huge factory-like spaces or tiny cell structures that were unimaginatively designed. Nowadays, they represent the identity of a corporation while also offering an inspiring workplace at the same time. Office design has developed into a complex discipline, which ...
Výpravná farebná publikácia v angličtine, ktorá popisuje vývoj divadelného priestoru v Strednej Európe, prináša výsledok spoločnej trojročnej práce viac než 35 expertov, historikov umenia, architektov, kurátorov a teoretikov, ktorí sa zaoberali.
Publikácia sleduje plánovanie a výstavbu Bratislavy v 20. storočí. Všíma si urbanistické zámery aj architektonické intervencie, pričom sa snaží postihnúť javy a procesy, ktoré sú pre Bratislavu charakteristické a dodnes determinujú jej urbanistickú štruktúru i priestorové vzťahy. Skúma vybrané miesta ...
Takes a look into the working environments of architects - spaces they have designed for themselves to both harness and nurture their creativity.
American architecture has created a symbol for itself in the skyscraper. It is a typology that seems to shout Yes we can!, and the superpower lives by these wor…
Druhý díl osobité reprezentativní publikace Jiří Příhoda 25|25 představuje autorovy práce z let 2000–2019, které sám pojmenovává "za sochou – před architekturou". Svou současnou tvorbu Příhoda dělí do tří základních kategorií, na Cely, Příbytky a Místa, které zamýšlí jako místa ke kontemplaci. Zajímá ...
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