Podľa vydavateľstva Lonely Planet patrí medzi 10 najkrajších stavieb sveta jednoznačne Tádž Mahal, Guggenheimovo múzeum, palác Potala, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Sagrada Familia, Imámova mešita, Zimný palác, Crac des Chevaliers, múzeum Oscara Niemeyera a Hagia Sofia. Ich architektúra je príkladom dokonalého umenia, tak ako ňou oplývajú aj mnohé ďalšie stavby, ktoré sa, bohužiaľ, do rebríčka nedostali. Kníhkupectvá vám ponúkajú rôzne knihy, pomocou ktorých sa môžete o architektúre veľa naučiť a zároveň tiež spoznávať krajiny sveta.
As urban living intensifies in density and numbers, the city landscape expands both outwards and upwards. Architects and urban designers craft new and experimen…
Whether it’s an exclusive villa on the Costa Brava, a modern holiday home in Cape Town, a beach house in southern Europe or an idyllic residence in Australia, the owners and their (interior) architects always go in search of the essence of what it means to live in close contact with the sea: a relaxed ...
After many were demolished or ''''modernised'''' beyond recognition in the post-war period, terrace houses were rediscovered in the 1980s, as people moved back to the inner city. Period features were tenderly replaced but many of the buildings remained as they had originally been: small, dark and impractical ...
Publikaci vydala Západočeská galerie v Plzni v roce 2011 u příležitosti konání stejnojmenné výstavy. O unikátním souboru bytových interiérů, navržených v Plzni slavným architektem Adolfem Loosem, se v poslední době hodně mluví a píše. Zatím se však velmi málo ví o tom, kdo vlastně byli Loosovi zákazníci ...
The evolution from yesterdays’s bathroom to today’s wellness oasis continues to open new frontiers. New spa areas as such can hardly be distinguished at first glance, and could as easily be taken for lounges, meditation rooms or even museums for modern art. Bath design will be increasingly marked by ...
Brick by Brick The world''s most innovative brick buildings Of all building materials in the world, brick is one of the most enduring and ubiquitous. Traces of brickmaking date back to 7500 BC and fired brick first made its appearance in about 3500 BC. Since then, the trusty brick has shown amazing resilience ...
Kniha - Lucie Vlčková, 288 strán, česká, pevná bez lesklého krytu.Výpravná a veľkoryso graficky upravená publikácia Antonín Kybal / Cesty dizajnu a textilnej tvorby ucelene mapuje osudy a dielo jedného z najvýznamnejších tvorcov českého dizajnu 20. storočia. S vysokou erudíciou, avšak čítavo spracovaná ...
O skupině UB 12, do níž patřili významní představitelé českého poválečného umění jako například Václav Boštík, Jiří John, Stanislav Kolíbal, Adriena Šimotová a další, zatím nevyšla žádná publikace. Skupina byla oficiálně zaregistrována v roce 1960, ale její základ byly položeny již v roce 1953 v ateliéru ...
Reho�n� spolo�enstv� s� neoddelite�nou s��as�ou duchovn�ch dej�n Slovenska, miestami kult�rneho a civiliza�n�ho pokroku. Pozn�van�m ich minulosti odha�ujeme nielen ich kres�ansk� a spolo�ensk� pr�nos, ale hlavne duchovn� odkaz, ktor� je dodnes �iv�. ...
Wood has very many positive attributes as a natural construction material, but was for a long time neglected in the architecture of western Europe. However, this situation has changed a great deal over the course of recent decades. Construction with wood has gained a solid reputation and is seen as a ...
This third part of the new "A&D" ("Architecture & Design") series features around ten exclusive city homes. All of the projects have…
This fourth part of the new A&D Series (A&D #4) features twelve office projects by leading architects and interior designers.
Homeowners search continuously for ways in which to rework existing residential space - for improved size, comfort, functionality and financial gain. As demonstrated in this timely publication, an architect must possess significant skill to create such an extraordinary collection of home extensions and ...
Titul je viazaný na špeciálnu objednávku, ktorú nie je možné vrátiť (platia Všeobecné obchodné podmienky - časť Reklamačný poriadok)! Publikace Architektura Albrechta z Valdštejna: Italská stavební kultura v Čechách v letech 1600–1635, zpracovaná kolektivem autorů pod vedením Petra Uličného, seznamuje ...
Today, architecture is not always only about buildings but also about the spaces between them. This is the first book to showcase the best and most diverse examples of public space from all over the world. Architectural authority, Sarah Gaventa, considers new public spaces all over the world within themed ...
During the past decade there has been a tremendous growth in daylighting analysis methods, allowing designers to meet ever higher standards. But in relying too…